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Holiday Tree Wreath Ornament Kit

$5.99 USD $12.99

Holiday Tree Wreath Ornament Kit

What you will need:
Thread and needle
Spray Starch like Magic Sizing (Optional)

Kit Includes: Supplies for TWO
Your kit includes (for two ornaments)
For each Ornament you have
1 – Bundle of 9 pieces of fabric ( 3 ½ in. x 3 in. rectangle)
1 – Grommet with a ribbon attached.
1- Set of 9 - 4 hole buttons White
1 - Jingle Bell

So, let’s get started.
Prepare the leaves
Fold the fabric in half parallel to the long edge and press it to make the center look like the picture.
Sew the remaining short sides to the center and press; repeat with the remaining eight leaves.
Starting at the ribbon, fold a leaf over the inside of the grommet and pin the tips together.
Fold the next leaf over the grommet and pin the tips together so the tips of the first and second leaves are approx. 1” apart.
Repeat with the remaining seven leaves, spacing evenly around the grommet, and keep the tips of the leaves approximately 1 “ apart.
Sew a button on each leaf, pressing it close to the grommet so it will hold the leaf in place.